I'm taking part in the Gearing Up to Get an Agent Blog Hop or as it's fondly called in writer circles, GUTGAA, now happening on the amazing Deana's Barnhart's Blog. This is a six-week event, culminating in agent pitch contest and a small press editor pitch contest. So, in the interest of full disclosure, transparency and getting to know me better, I shall now bear my soul. Well, not really. I'll just answer a few questions.
-Who are you?
My short bio is to the right. But I will add, that I grew up in Chicago and currently live on the west coast. For my day job, I'm a documentary researcher and production coordinator. I love writing and I love researching and when you write novels, you get to do a lot of both. Win-win!
-Where do you write?
Mostly in the tiny cramped little room that used to be our son's bedroom, and is now known as "the office." It's messy and dusty, filled with bookshelves, my husband's photo equipment, and papers waiting to be filed. It's cluttered, because to keep the rest of the house clean, we dump all the junk in here. As usual, you can't see my desktop right now. My husband's desk, where he makes his own magic happen, is to the left of me. There's a window to my right that looks out on the path that leads to my front door, where I can watch for delivery people and advertisement flyer distributors. My family wonders how I can spend so much time in this room, and I remind them that, while my butt's in the chair, my imagination is carrying me off to faraway fantastic places.
-Favorite time to write?
Anytime, really. My life's too chaotic to stick to any kind of schedule. Morning's probably best--but not too early. I need to be fully awake before the creative juices start circulating. But not too late or I burn out.
-Drink of choice while writing?
Hot Tea. English Breakfast usually. And I like it sweet.
-When writing , do you listen to music or do you need complete silence?
Oh no, I need silence when I write. Occasionally, I might put on some classical music. Or my husband plays jazz. But nothing with lyrics because that's distracting. It's too hard to write while I'm singing.
-What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and
where did you find it?
DARKLING was inspired by the characters. I wanted to write a story about a feisty, kick-ass girl, and a flawed, not-so-heroic hero, trying to make amends, and the story took off from there.
-What's your most valuable writing tip?
Anything from Stephen King's book On Writing. He says: Read, read, read. If you don't have time to read, you don't have time to write. Also, I like the advice from Ann Lamott who urges us not to be afraid to write shitty first drafts. This is a good way to thwart the overbearing perfectionist in all of us. The idea is to get started, put the words down, no matter how crude or unkempt. You can always go back and pretty them up later.